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ABOUT Frontier Center for Asian Health Sciences

Asia Health Science Frontier Center considers regional characteristics of Asian countries, from infectious disease countermeasures to maternal and child health, lifestyle diseases, elderly people countermeasures, and solves health problems according to individual's life stage I have a goal in particular. From the point of view of health science, it was established in March 2016 as a means of combining literature, regional and overseas means and to support human health.

Project Schema


The Asian Health Science Frontier Center has four divisions to form not only the university fusion but also the outside organization and the ASEAN overseas university to form a seamless health care interactive consortium and to return it to Japan and other Asian countries It was installed in.



Growth & Development

profile Professor Noriyuki Nishimura

We will develop human resources to address issues related to the declining birthrate and realize a society in which Japanese and Asian people can give birth and bring up children with pleasure.

Health Literacy

profile Professor Hisako Izumi

We analyze factors related to health literacy which is the ability to access, understand, and use information for health in the community improvement from various viewpoints and propose improvements to the health care and welfare system, and aim to improve the health level of the community.

Successful Aging

profile Professor Chieko Greiner

In order to extend healthy life expectancy, we strive to address the various problems of the elderly and foster personnel who will be responsible for it, and aim to contribute to the aging society coming to Asian countries in the future.

Infection control

profile Professor Masanori Kameoka

We will carry out international collaborative research on infectious diseases, we will work to train young human resources who are responsible for the next generation of infectious disease control, and will carry out activities to protect the safety and security of Japanese citizens and the people of the world.

Frontier Center for Asian Health Sciences