Features of ICHS

This ICHS course is a global expat training course in each profession in order to develop it on the lines of the International Activity for Health (IAH) course which was established by the "Interactive Health Sciences Education Practices in Asia" selected by the graduate school's Education Reform Support Program.

The educational philosophy of this research course is "to develop a comprehensive understanding of health sciences in physical, mental, and social dimensions on the basis of practical learning through education and research on mental and physical health, thus contributing to human happiness and social welfare improvement." The English course in this research course is established so that foreign and Japanese students can acquire their degree by taking the courses in English. This research course is based on the principles of the Kobe University Graduate School of Health Education Research Course.

Purpose of Educational Research
The role of international medical professionals has recently increased in importance, and there is a pressing need to educate and cultivate high-level healthcare professionals who can operate internationally. This course fosters high-level health practitioners and professionals who can make international contributions centering on international organizations and who can communicate and understand cultural differences. Using these abilities, they can, hence, develop healthcare activities by creating integrated health education and practices specific to various lifestyles and socio-economic conditions in foreign countries.

Overseas activities

 The partner universities of the Graduate School are representative universities in their respective nations. Students from these universities and Kobe University have visited each other and conducted international health science research activities, and there are close personal relationships among faculty. In this way, these universities have a long history of interaction with Kobe University. All the partner universities are very positive in cooperating with this course and they offer an English-language curriculum. To ensure safety in students' overseas activities, the Graduate School will offer guidance and monitor overseas travel information carefully; furthermore, faculty will accompany students on overseas trips. We have established a reliable security plan and accommodation for students with the help of the overseas facilities.

Overseas partner universities:

Indonesia: Gadjah Mada University, Airlangga University
Thailand: Chiang Mai University, Mahidol University, Chulalongkorn University
Nepal: Nepal Medical College
Philippines: University of the Philippines
Cambodia: National Institute of Public Health
Taiwan: Taipei Medical University
China: University of Hong Kong
Austria: FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences

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