学位 博士(人間科学)
Ph.D. (Human Science)
専門分野 国際保健学分野
所属領域(院) パブリックヘルス領域
所属専攻(学部) 理学療法学専攻
理学療法概論, 初期体験実習, 発達障害理学療法学, 理学療法総合評価学, 理学療法評価学, 臨床実習II, 臨床実習III, 臨床実習IV, 臨床理学療法学I, 臨床理学療法学III, 内部障害理学療法学実習, 運動学実習, 運動治療学, 運動治療学実習, 健康・スポーツ科学講義B, 国際保健協力活動特別研究I, 国際保健学特別研究II

E-mail izawapk★harbor.kobe-u.ac.jp
TEL 078-796-4566
井澤 和大





森山英樹, 井澤和大ー理学療法管理学 奈良勲・他(編)ー疾患別のリスクマネジメント 医歯薬出版 2018

井澤和大,笠原酉介, 研究の果実―ここまで来たらあとは発表するだけ.網本和・高倉保幸(編):理学療法NAVI 臨床の"疑問"を"研究"に変える 臨床研究first stage, 医学書院, 2017

井澤和大, 平野康之, 高齢者理学療法学-心疾患に対する高齢者の理学療法, 医歯薬出版, 2017年

平野康之, 井澤和大, 高齢者理学療法学-訪問リハビリテーションにおけるリスク管理, 医歯薬出版, 2017年

平野康之, 井澤和大,在宅療養者の診かたー評価をプログラムに反映させるー:心不全・緊急対応「応急対応」の仕方, 文光堂, 2015年

笠原酉介, 井澤和大, 心臓リハビリテーションのエビデンス診療ギャップとその対応 「合併症の多い高齢患者」, 2015年

笠原酉介, 井澤和大,心不全マネージメントシリーズ 「心不全と心臓リハビリテーション」心不全におけるレジスタンストレーニング, 文光堂, 2015年

大宮一人, 鈴木健吾, 明石嘉浩, 井澤和大, 渡辺敏, 心臓リハチーム医療-先導施設のノウハウとクリ二カルパス集, ジャパンハートクラブ, 2014年



Ogawa M, Yoshida N, Satomi-Kobayashi S,Tsuboi Y, Komaki K, Wakida K, Gotake Y, Inoue T, Tanaka H, Yamashita T, Sakai Y, Izawa KP, Takahashi M, Ogawa W, Hirata KI. Efficacy of preoperative amino acid supplements on postoperative physical function and complications in open heart surgery patients: A study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cardiology,2019 (in press)

Izawa KP. A wider view on heart disease-the compound impacts of health, lifestyle and age- Impact, 2019 (in press)

Tamada N, Nakayama K, Yanaka K, Onishi H, Shinkura Y, Taniguchi Y,Kinutani H, Tsuboi Y, Izawa KP, Satomi-Kobayashi S, Otake H, Tanaka H,Shinke T, Okita Y, Emoto N, Hirata KI. Comparable Effects of Pulmonary Endarterectomy and Balloon Pulmonary Angioplasty on Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension. Circulation Reports,2019 (in press)

Hashizume M, Kinami S, Sakurai K, Izawa KP, Shiotani H. Postprandial blood pressure decrease in patients with type 2 diabetes and mild or severe cardiac autonomic dysfunction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 , 812, 2019.

Izawa KP, Kasahara Y, Hiraki K, Hirano Y,Oka K, Watanabe S.Longitudinal Changes of Handgrip, Knee Extensor Muscle Strength, and the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Score in Cardiac Patients During Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation. Diseases, 2019 (in press)

Otobe Y,Hiraki K, Hotta C, Izawa KP, Sakurada T, Shibagaki Y.The impact of the combination of kidney and physical function on cognitive decline over 2 years in older adults with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease. Clin Exp Nephrol, 2019 (in Press)

Morio Y, Izawa KP, Omori Y, Katata H, Ishiyama D, Koyama S, Yamano Y.The Relationship between Walking Speed and Step Length in Older Aged Patients. Diseases,2019 (in Press)

Otobe Y, Hiraki K, Hotta C, Nishizawa H, Izawa KP, Taki Y, Imai N, Sakurada T, Shibagaki Y.Mild cognitive impairment in older adults with pre-dialysis patients with chronic kidney disease: Prevalence and association with physical function. Nephrology (Carlton). 2019 Jan;24(1):50-55.

Kanai M, Izawa KP, Nozoe M, Kubo H, Kobayashi, Onishi A, Mase K,Shimada S.Long-term effect of promoting in-hospital physical activity on post-discharge patients with mild ischemic stroke.J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. . 2018 (in press).

Nemoto S, Kasahara Y, Izawa KP,Watanabe S, Yoshizawa K, Takeichi N, Kamiya K, Suzuki N, Omiya K, Matsunaga A, Akashi YJ.Effect of carvedilol on heart rate response to cardiopulmonary exercise up to the anaerobic threshold in patients with subacute myocardial infarction. Heart and Vessels. 2018 (in press).

Shinoda T, Nishihara H, Shimogai T, Ito T, Takimoto R, Seo R, Kanai M, Izawa KP, Iwata K.Relationship between ventilator-associated events and timing of rehabilitation in subjects with emergency tracheal intubation at early mobilization facility.Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018;15(12).E2892.

Izawa KP, Kasahara Y, Hiraki K ,Hirano Y, Oka K, Watanabe S.Relationship between daytime sleepiness and health utility in patients after cardiac surgery: a preliminary study.Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Dec 2;15(12). pii: E2716.

Kitamura M, Izawa KP, Yaekura M, Mimura Y, Nagashima H, Oka K.Effect of differences in nutritional status on activities of daily living and mobility in elderly hospitalized patients with heart failure.ESC Heart Failure 2018 (in press).

Rita P, Serenelli M, Celis-Morales C, Gray SR, Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Colin-Ramirez E, Castillo-Martinez L, Izumiya Y, Hanatani S, Onoue Y, Tsujita K, Macdonald PS, Jha SR, Roger VL, Manemann SM, Sanchis J, Ruiz V, Bugani G, Tonet E, Ferrari R, Volpato S, Campo G.Grip Strength Predicts Cardiac Adverse Events in Patients with Cardiac Disorders: An Individual Patient Pooled Meta-Analysis.Heart. 2018 Nov 19. pii: heartjnl-2018-313816.

Ogawa M; Izawa KP; Satomi-Kobayashi S; Tsuboi Y; Komaki K; Gotake Y; Yoshida N; Wakida K; Uchida J; Sakai Y; Okita Y.Effects of Postoperative Dietary Intake on Functional Recovery of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery.Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases.2018 (in press)

Izawa KP, Oka K.Sedentary Behavior and Health-related Quality of Life Among Japanese Living Overseas.Gerontol Geriatr Med. 2018 Oct 25;4:2333721418808117.

Sasaki S, Kanai M, Shinoda T, Morita H, Shimada S, Izawa KP.Relation between health utility score and physical activity in community-dwelling ambulatory patients with stroke: a preliminary cross-sectional study.Top Stroke Rehabil. 2018 (in press)

Kanejima Y, Kitamura M, Izawa KP. Self-monitoring to increase physical activity in patients with cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 2018 (in press)

Ogi H, Nakamura D, Ogawa M, Nakamura T, Izawa KP. Associations between Parents' Health Literacy and Sleeping Hours in Children: A Cross-Sectional Study. Healthcare (Basel). 2018;6(2). pii: E32.

Tamada N, Nakayama K, Yanaka K,Onishi H,Shinkura Y, Tsuboi Y, Izawa KP, Satomi-Kobayashi S,Otake H,Tanaka H,Shinke T, Okita Y, Emoto N, Hirata KI; Early introduction of pulmonary endarterectomy or balloon pulmonary angioplasty contributes to better health related quality of life in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.JACC Cardiovasc Interv. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 11, 11, 1113-1116, 2018.

Nakamura D, Ogawa M, Nakamura T, Izawa KP; Impact of Parents' Comprehensive Health Literacy on BMI in Children: a Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study in Japan. Journal of School Health 88 , 12 , 910-916, 2018.

Kanai M, Izawa KP, Kobayashi M, Onishi A, Kubo H, Nozoe M, Mase K, Shimada S; Effect of accelerometer-based feedback on physical activity in hospitalized patients with ischemic stroke: a randomized controlled trial.Clin Rehabil. 2018 Aug;32(8):1047-1056.

Saito T, Izawa KP, Watanabe S. The Association between the Functional Independence and Difficulty Scale and Physical Functions in Community-Dwelling Japanese Older Adults Using Long-Term Care Services. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. 41(1):28-34,2018.

Kitamura M, Izawa KP, Taniue H, Mimura Y, Ikeda Y, Nagashima H, Brubaker PH. Activities of Daily Living at Different Levels of Renal Function in Elderly Hospitalized Heart Failure Patients. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 30 (1):45-51, 2018.

Ogawa M, Izawa KP, Seimi Satomi-Kobayashi S, Kitamura A, Tsuboi Y, Komaki K, Ono R, Sakai Y,Tanaka H, Okita Y. Preoperative exercise capacity is associated with the prevalence of postoperative delirium in elective cardiac surgery. Aging Clinical Experimental Research 30 (1):27-34, 2018.

Izawa KP, Kasahara Y, Hiraki K ,Hirano Y, Watanabe S.Changes in health utility of patients after cardiac surgery. J Yoga Phys Ther 7 , 4 , 300 2017

Ogawa M, Izawa KP, Satomi-Kobayashi S, Tsuboi Y, Komaki K, Sakai Y, Tanaka H, Okita Y. Changes in Exercise Capacity and Psychosocial Factors in Hospitalized Cardiac Surgery Patients. Research in Cardiovascular Medicine. 6 (4): 38-44,2017.

Ogawa M, Izawa KP, Satomi-Kobayashi S, Tsuboi Y, Komaki K, Gotake Y, Sakai Y, Tanaka H, Okita Y; Impact of delirium on postoperative frailty and long term cardiovascular events after cardiac surgery. PLoS One. 2017; 12 (12):e0190359.

Izawa KP, Kasahara Y, Hiraki K, Hirano Y, Watanabe S; Age-Related Differences of Maximum Phonation Time in Patients after Cardiac Surgery. Diseases. 2017;6 (1). pii: E1.

Izawa KP, Kasahara Y, Hiraki K, Hirano Y, Watanabe S; Relation between the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand Score and Muscle Strength in Post-Cardiac Surgery Patients. Diseases. 2017; 5(4). pii: E31.

Izawa KP, Oka K; Relation between sitting time and sociodemographic factors in Japanese living overseas. The Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 48, 6, 1318-1324, 2017.

Kitamura M, Izawa KP, Taniue H, Mimura Y, Imamura K, Nagashima H, Brubaker PH; Relationship between activities of daily living and readmission within 90 days in hospitalized elderly patients with heart failure, BioMed Research International Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 7420738.

Saito T, Izawa KP, Matsui N, Arai K, Ando M, Morimoto K, Fujita N, Takahashi Y, Kawazoe M, Watanabe S. Comparison of the measurement properties of the Functional Independence and Difficulty Scale with the Barthel Index in community-dwelling elderly people in Japan. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 29,273-281, 2017.

Saito T, Izawa KP, Watanabe S. The relative and absolute reliability of the Functional Independence and Difficulty Scale in community-dwelling frail elderly Japanese people using long-term care insurance services. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 29, 549-556, 2017.

Hiraki K, Shibagaki Y, Izawa KP, Hotta C, Wakamiya A, Sakurada T, Yasuda T, Kimura K. Effects of home-based exercise on pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease patients: A randomized pilot and feasibility trial. BMC Nephrology, 18(1):198, 2017.

Hiraki K, Hotta C, Izawa KP, Sakurada T, Shibagaki Y. Dietary protein intake is strongly and positively related with muscle strength in patients with pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 21:354-355, 2017.

Izawa KP, Shibata AI, Ishii K, Miyawaki R, Oka K. Associations of low-intensity light physical activity with physical performance in community-dwelling elderly Japanese: A cross-sectional study. PLoS One,12(6):e0178654, 2017.

Shinoda T, Kanai M, Nakamura R, Murata S, Saito T, Sawa R, Ono R, Izawa KP. The relative and absolute reliability of maximum phonation time in community-dwelling Japanese people. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 29(4):781-786, 2017.

Ogawa M, Izawa KP, Satomi-Kobayashi S, Kitamura A, Ono R, Sakai Y, Okita Y. Poor preoperative nutritional status is an important predictor of the retardation of rehabilitation after cardiac surgery in elderly cardiac patients. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 29, 283-290, 2017.

Kanai M, Nozoe M, Izawa KP,Takeuchi Y,Kubo H, Mase K,Shimada S. Promoting physical activity in hospitalized patients with mild ischemic stroke: a pilot study. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 24,256-261, 2017.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K, Kasahara Y, Morio Y, Hiraki K, Hirano Y, Omori Y, Suzuki N, Kida K, Suzuki K, Akashi YJ. Sarcopenia and physical activity in older male cardiac patients. International Journal of Cardiology, 222, 457-461, 2016.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S. Relation of nutritional status to physiological outcomes after cardiac surgery in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus: a preliminary study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 28 , 6 , 1267-1271, 2016.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K, Kasahara Y, Morio Y, Hiraki K, Hirano Y, Omori Y, Suzuki N, Kida K, Suzuki K, Akashi YJ. Respiratory muscle strength in relation to sarcopenia in elderly cardiac patients. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 28, 1143-1148, 2016.

Izumi A, Kitamura M, Izawa KP. Effects of Exercise Training on Delaying Disease Progression in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: a Review of the Literature. Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials 11, 333-341, 2016.

Kitamura M, Mimura Y, Taniue H, Yoshitake K, Nagashima H, Izawa KP. Predictors of independent walking at hospital discharge in elderly heart failure patients. International Journal of Cardiology 203, 609-611, 2016.

Saito T, Izawa KP, Omori Y, Watanabe S. The Functional Independence and Difficulty Scale: Instrument development and validity evaluation. Geriatrics and Gerontology International 16, 1127-1137, 2016.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K, Brubaker PH, Hirano Y, Saito T, Omori Y, Suzuki N, Kida K, Suzuki K, Osada N, Omiya K, Shimizu H, Akashi YJ. Differences in maximum phonation time based on body mass index in chronic heart failure patients. International Journal of Cardiology 182, 200-202, 2015.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K, Mogamiya T, Tada M, Nakata S, Nitobe S, Yoshizawa K, Hirano Y, Osada N, Omiya K, Shimizu H. Differences in physical performance based on the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index in elderly female cardiac patients. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 27, 195-200, 2015.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Hirano Y, Matsushima S, Suzuki S, Oka K, Kida K, Suzuki K, Osada N, Omiya K, Brubaker PH, Shimizu H, Akashi YJ. Gender-related differences in maximum gait speed and daily physical activity in elderly hospitalized cardiac inpatients: a Preliminary Study. Medicine 94 , e623, 2015.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K, Tochimoto S, Hirano Y, Brubaker PH, Omori Y, Suzuki N, Kida K, Suzuki K, Osada N, Omiya K, Shimizu H, Akashi YJ. Longitudinal change in maximum phonation time and exercise capacity in chronic heart failure patients. International Journal of Cardiology 187, 17-19, 2015.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K. Relationship of thresholds of physical performance to nutritional status in older hospitalized male cardiac patients. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 15, 189-195, 2015.

Kanai M, Kubo H, Kitamura Y, Izawa KP, Ono K, Ando H, Nozoe M, Mase K, Shimada S. Difference in autonomic nervous activity in different subtypes of noncardioembolic ischemic stroke. International Journal of Cardiology 201, 171-173, 2015.

Ogawa M, Izawa KP, Kitamura A, Ono R, Satomi-Kobayashi S, Sakai Y, Okita Y. Preoperative physical activity in relation to postoperative delirium in elective cardiac surgery patients. International Journal of Cardiology 201, 154-156, 2015.

Wakamiya A, Hiraki K, Hotta C, Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oishi D, Kaneshiro N, Konno Y, Sakurada T, Shibagaki Y, Kimura K. Poor nutritional status is associated with low physical activity in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis. International Journal of Cardiology 187, 648-650, 2015.

Hotta C, Hiraki K, Wakamiya A, Otobe Y, Watanabe S, Izawa KP, Kaneshiro N, Konno Y, Sakurada T, Shibagaki Y, Kimura K. Relation of physical function and physical activity to sarcopenia in hemodialysis patients: A preliminary study. International Journal of cardiology 191,198-200, 2015.

Omiya K, Minami K, Sato Y, Takai M, Takahashi E, Hayashi A, Yamauchi M, Suzuki K, Akashi YJ, Osada N, Izawa KP, Watanabe S. Impaired β-cell function attenuates training effects by reducing the increase in heart rate reserve in patients with myocardial infarction. Journal of Cardiology. 65,128-133, 2015.

Kasahara Y, Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Osada N, Omiya K. Respiratory muscle strength in chronic heart failure is related to the disease severity and abnormal ventilation during exercise. Research in Cardiovascular Medicine 4, 4, e28944, 2015.

Izawa KP ; Watanabe S ; Oka K ; Osada N ; Omiya K ; Brubaker PH ; Shimizu H. Differences in daily in-hospital physical activity and geriatric nutritional risk index in older cardiac inpatients: preliminary results. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 26, 599-605, 2014.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K, Hiraki K, Morio Y, Kasahara Y, Osada N, Omiya K, Shimizu H. Association between mental health and physical activity in patients with chronic heart failure. Disability and Rehabilitation. 36, 250-254, 2014.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Tochimoto S, Oka K , Otobe Y, Nemoto S, Hirano Y, Osada N, Omiya K, Brubaker PH, Shimizu H. Maximum phonation time is related to disease severity in male chronic heart failure patients. International Journal of Cardiology. 174, 727-728, 2014.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K. Muscle strength of male inpatients with heart failure with reduced versus preserved ejection fraction. International Journal of Cardiology. 172, e228-229, 2014.

Izawa KP, Watanabe S, Oka K, Brubaker PH, Hirano Y, Omori Y, Kida K, Suzuki K, Osada N, Omiya K, Shimizu H, Akashi YJ. Leisure-time physical activity over four seasons in chronic heart failure patients. International Journal of Cardiology 177, 651-653, 2014.

Izawa KP ; Watanabe S, Hirano Y, Yamamoto S, Oka K, Suzuki N, Kida K, Suzuki K, Osada N, Omiya K, Brubaker PH, Shimizu H, Akashi YJ. The relation between Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index and muscle mass, muscle strength, and exercise capacity in chronic heart failure patients. International Journal of Cardiology 177, 1140-1141, 2014.

Izawa KP ; Watanabe S ; Brubaker PH ; Tochimoto S ; Hirano Y ; Matsushima S ; Suzuki T ; Oka K ; Saito T ; Omori Y ; Suzuki K ; Osada N ; Omiya K ; Shimizu H ; Akashi YJ. Relation between VE/VCO2 slope and maximum phonation time in chronic heart failure patients. Medicine 93, e306, 2014.

Hotta C, Hiraki K, Watanabe S, Izawa KP, Yasuda T, Osada N, Omiya K, Kimura K. Knee extensor muscle strength and index of renal function associated with an exercise capacity of 5 metabolic equivalents in male chronic heart failure patients with chronic kidney disease. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology. 18, 313-319, 2014.


井澤和大, 岡浩一朗; 超高齢社会における心疾患患者の身体機能と身体活動ーフレイル・サルコペニア・栄養に着目してーMedical Science Digest,2019 (in press)

井澤和大, 笠原酉介; 心臓リハビリテーションのエビデンスはどこまで確立しているか? 心臓リハビリテーション-患者別のシミュレーションで考える治療戦略-Heart View, 2019

齋藤崇志, 井澤和大, 渡辺修一郎; Functional Independence and Difficulty Scaleの紹介―基本的日常生活活動動作の自立度および困難感の測定―応用老年学, 応用老年学 12 , 1 , 49-58, 2018

森尾裕志, 大森圭貢, 井澤和大, 堅田紘頌, 石山大介, 小山真吾, 中尾陽光, 山野嘉久; 高齢入院患者におけるペットボトルの開栓に必要な握力. 専門リハビリテーション 17 , 30-35,2018

井澤和大, 平野康之, 平木幸治. 循環器系疾患における重複障害理学療法京都, 47 , 49-53, 2018

音部雄平, 平木幸治, 堀田千晴, 井澤和大, 櫻田勉, 柴垣有吾, 木村健二郎. 保存期慢性腎臓病患者における筋力値および健常者平均値との比較. 理学療法学第44巻6号, 401-407, 2017.

堀田千晴, 平木幸治, 若宮亜希子, 井澤和大, 渡辺 敏, 金城永幸, 櫻田勉, 柴垣有吾, 木村健二郎. 末期腎不全患者における治療法別の身体機能の差異. 日本透析医学会雑誌 50, 4, 241-245, 2017.

根本慎司,笠原酉介,井澤和大,吉沢和也,渡辺敏,武市尚也,大宮一人,木田圭亮,鈴木健吾,明石嘉浩. 心疾患患者における入院中の急性腎障害合併は退院後の運動耐容能低下の独立因子である. 心臓リハビリテーション 22, 2・3, 196-203, 2017.

渡辺敏, 森尾裕志, 井澤和大, 長田尚彦, 大宮一人, 木田圭亮, 鈴木健吾, 明石嘉浩. 高齢心血管疾患患者における日常生活活動の自立を判別する身体運動機能について. 心臓リハビリテーション 22 , 2・3 , 161-166, 2017.

平野康之,井澤和大,夛田羅勝義,川間健之介訪問リハビリテーション従事者に対するアセスメント能力向上を目的とした介入の短期効果についてThe Journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences 20 , 3 , 118-125, 2017.

井澤和大, 岡浩一朗. 海外在留邦人におけるライフスタイルと心身の健康に関する調査研究―座位行動時間の実態と社会人口学的関連要因― リハビリテーションひろば, 24-30, 2016.

平野康之, 井澤和大, 川間健之助. 訪問リハビリテーションにおけるサービス中止者の中止理由および従事者の病状変化の気づきについて. 日本在宅医学会学会雑誌 17, 2, 145-150, 2016.

井澤和大, 鈴木健吾. 背景の異なる17 カ国14 万人を対象に導かれた新知見, The Mainichi medical Journal 12 , 2 , 76-77, 2016.

平木幸治,堀田千晴,若宮亜希子,井澤和大,渡辺敏,櫻田勉,柴垣有吾,安田隆,木村健二郎. 糖尿病および糖尿病神経障害の合併が保存期慢性腎臓病男性患者の運動機能に与える影響. 理学療法学 43 , 1 , 56-63, 2016.

金居督之, 久保宏紀, 北村友花, 野添匡史, 間瀬教史, 島田真一, 小野くみ子, 井澤和大, 安藤啓司. 急性期非心原性脳梗塞患者における離床時の自律神経系活動評価の意義 ─脳梗塞の病型による比較─理学療法科学 31, 1, 169-174, 2016.

平野康之, 井澤和大. 心不全患者に対する在宅でのチーム医療における理学療法士の役割. 理学療法 33 , 4 , 341-348, 2016.

石山大介, 森尾裕志, 井澤和大, 堅田紘頌, 小山真吾, 松永優子, 松下和彦. トイレ動作における手すり設置が有効となる工程および身体機能指標の閾値:高齢入院患者における検討. 神奈川県理学療法士会会報 , 44 , 34-40, 2016.

平木幸治,井澤和大,渡辺 敏,柴垣有吾. 保存期CKD患者の身体機能特性と運動療法. 心臓リハビリテーション 22, 1, 32-38, 2016.

坪井康典, 田中秀和, 小林成美, 佐和琢磨, 寺下大輔, 絹谷洋人, 中山和彦, 井澤和大, 酒井良忠, 江本憲昭, 平田健一. 肺高血圧症治療における心臓リハビリテーションと運動耐容能評価―診断時から回復期にわたる長期介入への提言―心臓リハビリテーション 21, 4, 164-169, 2016.

岩田健太郎,井澤和大. 当院救命救急センターにおける専従理学療法士の導入について. 理学療法兵庫 21 , 18-23, 2015.

齋藤崇志, 井澤和大, 大森豊, 渡辺修一郎. 在宅要介護高齢者における2.4 m歩行時間と運動機能とFunctional Independence Measureの関係. 理学療法科学 30, 4, 619-625, 2015.

井澤 和大, 渡辺敏, 岡浩一朗. 心大血管疾患における理学療法. 理学療法学 42, 4, 347-351, 2015.

岩田健太郎,井澤和大,前川利雄,西原浩真,横井佑樹,田内都子,坂本裕規,門浄彦, 瀬尾龍太郎,朱祐珍,北井豪. 急性期病棟の専従理学療法士配属の効果. MEDICAL REHABILITATION 190, 9-17, 2015.

木田圭亮,鈴木規雄,足利光平,森尾裕志,井澤和大,渡辺敏,鈴木健吾,原田智雄,,明石嘉浩.慢性心不全における加速度トレーニングの有用性と安全性について〜パイロット研究結果より〜心臓リハビリテーション 20 , 2 , 350-355, 2015.

笠原酉介, 井澤和大.理学療法臨床研究のススメ. 理学療法兵庫 21, 1-6, 2015.

井澤和大, 三木明徳. 症例から学ぶ理学療法士の人体解剖図実習(Case 4) 虚血性心疾患. 理学療法Magazine 2, 3, 70-79, 2015.

平野康之, 井澤和大, 夛田羅勝義, 川間健之介. 訪問リハビリテーション実践における要介護利用者の病状把握に重要なアセスメントの検討. 理学療法科学 30,4, 569-576, 2015.

平野康之,井澤和大,川間健之介. 訪問リハビリテーション実践における要介護利用者の病状変化の気づきに影響する要因についての検討. The Journal of Japan Academy of Health Sciences 18, 3, 127-137, 2015.

笠原酉介, 井澤和大, 大宮一人. 循環器疾患の急性期における多職種連携と理学療法士の役割. 理学療法 31 , 12 , 1201-1209, 2014.

大島奈緒美, 大槻かおる, 杉山さおり, 井澤和大, 酒井勇紀, 相川浩一. ライフスタイルの変化と就業継続に関する問題-様々な立場からの問題提起-理学療法学 41, 8, 516-522, 2014.

笠原酉介, 井澤和大, 渡辺敏, 長田尚彦, 大宮一人. 心臓リハビリテーションに関する運動生理の誤解を解く; 心疾患患者における骨格筋機能の臨床的意義とレジスタンストレーニングの有用性. 心臓リハビリテーション 19, 1, 46-49, 2014.

堀田千晴, 平木幸治, 若宮亜希子, 井澤和大, 渡辺敏, 大石大輔, 櫻田勉, 金城永幸, 今野雄介, 柴垣有吾, 木村健二郎. 腹膜透析患者における膝伸展筋力の実態とその関連要因の検討. 臨床透析 30, 3, 359-363, 2014.

平木幸治, 井澤和大, 渡辺敏, 櫻田勉, 柴垣有吾, 木村健二郎. 腹膜透析患者に対する理学療法, 理学療法ジャーナル 48 , 8 , 713-718, 2014.

森尾裕志, 井澤和大, 平木幸治, 堅田紘頌, 石山大介 , 小山真吾, 渡辺敏. 高齢患者における最速歩行速度1.0m/secを有するために必要な歩幅に関する研究 リハビリテーションひろば 54 , 29-35, 2014.

井澤和大. 育児休暇. 理学療法ジャーナル 48, 1, 1, 2014.